Proof Tree Generator - Latex

Don't know how to \(\LaTeX\) proof trees? Too lazy to learn? Look no further!

Your \(\LaTeX\) code will appear below:

LaTeX code will appear here

And your proof tree will be generated live below!


This proof tree generator was designed with CMU's 15-317 Constructive Logic in mind. That being said, everything's pretty general-purpose, so go nuts if you want!

\(\LaTeX\) Files

The generator uses bussproofs.sty for generating the proof tree. You can see the documentation here

How To Use This Website

A proof tree component is a conclusion, rule, and a list of premises. Next to each component are three dots - clicking them will produce a dropdown menu where you'll find options for manipulating the structure of the proof tree. Should be pretty straightforward :)


Use these within the proof tree generator! Note that some of these commands only work with the provided stylesheet (see "How To Use")



\(\top\) \ltrue
\(\bot\) \lfalse
\(\lor\) \lor
\(\supset\) \limplies
\(\neg\) \neg
\(\Longrightarrow\) \seq
\(\longrightarrow\) \sq
\(\ true\) \jtrue
\(\uparrow\) \up
\(\downarrow\) \down